Saturday, July 28, 2012

Wow, it has been a long time! Let's talk discipline!

The last time I posted on my blog was February, right before I found out I was pregnant with our little boy Joaquin, who is due in October.  It has been busy but I need to get back on track and start posting once a week!

I am going to start with this great article that I received today.  Discipline is always a hard subject when it come to your child and we have really tried to do our best to communicate Tallulah about her behavior and listen to her in her times of need etc.  We have done a few time outs in the past by putting her in her crib but we have not done that in awhile and instead of tried to talk to her and understand why she is upset.  With a two year old that is often easy to do because it is usually because they are tired, hungry, over stimulated or just frustrated because they are not in control of a situation.  After reading this article, I totally agree with it and we will continue on our path of just trying to understand our little girl, instead of isolating her or punishing her.  Honestly, it has been very successful for her and us.  Since our daughter's birth, we have always tried to listen and understand what she might be communicating to us and I think that is the key to success.

Trust me, I know we all can get frustrated and the easy way out is to punish our children but if you step back and think for a moment and look at things through their eyes, you may feel differently about your approach.  Please read this article, it really is wonderful and will make your think a bit about how your handle your next situation.


Why a time out is just as damaging as spanking