Monday, January 10, 2011

To be or not to be a vegetarian

I love this so much!! We have been getting ready to start our baby girl on solids and we plan to raise her as a vegetarian. This was written so beautifully!! Good for this mom!

Some people do not realize that being vegetarian is a cause and a belief, just like a religion. Many people say that I should let my child choose if they want to be a vegetarian and I totally agree. When she is educated enough to make that decision for herself then I will empower her to do so. Many people have strong feelings about raising their child with their religion and often do not give their child a choice in that, it is no different for our beliefs in being vegetarian. Think of it as our religion.
As long as we do our best to educate our child and help her make the best choices possible, that is all we can hope for! Now go fix yourself some tofu tacos!

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