Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome to Natural Mommy!!

Hi everyone and welcome to my blog, Natural Mommy!! This is the start of a new year and I am excited to start my first blog. Let me start by sharing a little bit about myself. I am a new mommy to a beautiful 6 month old little girl. I work in the natural health industry and I am very passionate about living a natural and healthy lifestyle. That means that I evaluate everything that I put in, on or around myself and my family. I believe that a healthy planet equals a healthy person so I strive to do my part to keep that balance.

I am sure many of you think that since I work in the natural health industry that I must work for a company that is super supportive of my mommyhood but let me assure you that is not totally correct. It is a corporate company like most others. My whole world changed once I had my daughter and going back to work was the last thing I wanted to do. I became amazed how unsupportive the work world is to mamas who want to be there for their new babies. We should be able to have the luxury of working from home or having on site child care, or a year off for baby leave or anything that would support the growth of our babies. I am disappointed that many natural industry companies are just like any other company when it comes to supporting a bond between parent and child. In California, you are given your three months off (if you are lucky you have vacation time to stay home longer) and expected to come back to work with eagerness but that is crazy!! All I want to do is be with my baby because that is what is natural for a mama! I realize some women want to be at work and that is ok but if a mama wants to stay home to be with her baby then she should be supported to be able to make that happen.

I kept getting frustrated with the idea of going back to work and was finding myself struggling as a natural mommy in a mainstream world so my husband told me to blog about it and that there would be others who felt this way and might want to hear my story. I realized he was right plus I have a lot of insight to the world of natural and have learned quickly what works for me and my baby.

This blog is going to be about how to cope with the mainstream world as a natural mommy. Sometimes I will tell you about how I am feeling or I may share a story or two. Sometimes I will give you my opinion on products I have tried or things I like. Whatever I do, I hope you will join me on this journey. I look forward to hearing about your families, your struggles and your successes as a natural mommy in this mainstream world! Most of all, I welcome your passion!

Happy new year mommies!! May it be a natural one!


  1. Good for you Alicia! I'll check in often.

  2. Thanks, Alicia! I look forward to seeing your tips and products. We love you three and will be in touch the next time we're in town!
