Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hold Them Close

Today I heard a heart breaking story of a woman who lost her baby the week before it was due. While I feel I need to keep the details private, the story brought tears to my eyes and actually made my heart hurt.

Anyone would find this story tragic but those of you that have shared in the joy of giving birth to your child know how unimaginable this would be to experience. I find myself sick to my stomach when I think about this poor baby and this grieving mother. How does one even begin to heal from this?
Tears come to my eyes as I look at my four month old son sleeping next to me and think of my beautiful two and a half year old daughter. Every day is a gift with your children. I am lucky to be able to be with them everyday.  Being a mother, who stays at home, is priceless.  I am grateful that I get to participate in my children's daily lives.  All the park visits, the trips to the aquarium, bath days, times when they are happy, times when they are sad.  All of it is so valuable and I would not want to change it for anything.

I pray for healing for this mother and her family's unforgettable loss.

I give thanks for my amazing family and the love that I have.

Love your children every day.

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