Sunday, June 9, 2013

Breastfeeding is so important but when do you let it go?

I have been very fortunate to have been given the gift of plenty of milk for both of my children and breastfeeding is one of my favorite things to share with my son and previously with my daughter.   However, I know many moms struggle with trying to keep up their milk supply or postpartum stresses or other things that make breastfeeding challenging. So my question is when do you let it go and realize it is ok to stop?

My answer to that is follow your intuition  As a mom, that is your best guide to all decisions you make for your child.  Breastfeeding should never be a stressful task or one that makes you an emotional mess.  You should not find yourself trying to pump any last drop out if it is making you crazy.  That will just make you and your milk supply worse.

Any breastfeeding you can do with your baby is amazing and that is what should be embraced.  Yes, formula is not the greatest thing on earth but it is not the worst either.  I was not breastfed and I am one strong mama.  I was one of those babies that was born when formula was the next big thing so they loved pushing it on my little preemie body!  But I was fine, just like many other babies are fine and your baby would be fine as well.

My advice is always do what you can. I for sure think you should breastfeed but only to the point of happiness, not misery.  Some woman have it easy with crazy milk supply like me and some struggle to produce even an oz but not matter what you do, remember that even if you breastfeed for a day, you did something great for your baby.

Moms should never beat themselves up about the decision to finally stop breastfeeding if it has become a struggle and it not successful anymore.

So just remember, as a Mom, your body will tell you when it is time to let go. Follow your intuition.  It knows best.

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